For those with something in the garage or even on the drive thank goodness that you have something to fettle and take your mind off sundry dramas and horrors that are rife through this season of goodwill .
For those who missed such opportunities that were afforded by our October On Line Auction of vehicles and automobilia, you can still have a look at our Private Treaty section and we can talk to you in detail about the vehicles on offer as, if they are not on our premises ,one of us will have seen them and can give an honest description accordingly.
Delivery is still possible by professional transport folk so why not cheer yourself up and let us help you fill that empty space in your outbuilding?
For those who are thinking of selling a Vintage/Classic vehicle please get in touch. We can accept entries right away either for our Private Treaty Sales or for our next Auction in the Spring of 2021. The option is there to switch from one to the other in the New Year.
Telephone now on 01963 363353
Or E mail: info@dvca.co.uk